You Are a Badass

You Are a Badass

You Are a Badass - By Jen Sincero

"Making money isn’t only about the money, just as losing weight isn’t only about losing weight and finding your soulmate isn’t only about finding your soulmate. It’s about who you become and what you believe as possible for yourself.”

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It took about 30 pages to get into, but it quickly became apparent why You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero is such a massive global hit. Here were some gems found within its pages:

Page 32 “Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” Albert Einstein


Page 79 Our fantasies are our realities in an excuse free world.


Page 93 “Mind is the master power that moulds and makes, - and Man is Mind ….” James Allen


Page 110 When we fear, we hold on to what we’ve got because we don’t trust that there’s more.


Page 117

Faith is having the audacity to believe in the not yet seen.

If you want to be a real rockstar in the manifestation department, get to the point where you have both unwavering faith and unwavering gratitude for that for which you desire. This is when the real magic happens because mixing faith with gratitude is the High Holy Moly of Manifesting.


Page 119 Whenever anything excellent or mediocre or lame or annoying happens to you meet up with the statement: “This is good because ...” and fill in the blank.


Page 120 Finding the good in the lessons and things allows us to move through them and on to new experiences. If you wanna stay stuck in the same place and keep getting spanked with the same lessons over and over, being negative, resentful, and victimized. If you want to get over your issues and rock your life, be grateful, look for the good and learn.


Page 151 Most of the time it’s not lack of experience that’s holding us back, but rather the lack of determination to do what we need to do to be successful.


Page 152 Procrastination is one of the most popular forms of self-sabotage because it’s really easy.


Page 180 Our reality is a mirror of our thoughts, the people in our reality included.


Page 181 When we agree to let ourselves down in favor of supporting the bad behaviour of others, it often stems from the simple impulse:  We’re unwilling to make other people more uncomfortable than they just made us.


Page 184 One way to get rid of projections and judgments, ask yourself: who do I need to be for the situation not to bother me?

Stop insisting that people do things exactly the way you do them (especially the people in your life who have proven they most definitely won’t)


Page 189 Start right now. You’ll never be this young again.

If you’re not where you wanna be in life, keep going. Treat yourself like you’re the closest friend you’ve got. Celebrate the magnificent creature that you are. Don’t let anyone mess with you and your dreams, least of all yourself.


Page 191 “Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. The moment would definitely commit oneself, then providence moves too.” W.H.Murray; explore a mountain climber.


Page 205 here’s the thing: making money isn’t only about the money, just as losing weight isn’t only about losing weight and finding your soul mate isn’t only about finding your soulmate. It’s about who you become and what you believe as possible for yourself.


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