Doha Diaries 12: Iraq’s new leader


November 4, 2007

Waxing beds, freedom, sunsets and Ayad Allawi

Work is AWESOME! I'm getting into reporter mode again. Headed to The Doha Debates to hear Ayad Allawi try to spin himself out of the mess he created in Iraq. There were tons of Iraqis in the crowd who got the chance to give him a piece of their mind. Quite interesting how far they were allowed to go with their language. for anyone interested.

The magazine is ready for print, it went through censors and all. Apparently Nexus Journal will visit Uncle Censor every month. Any day now our publishing company in Dubai will DHL me the copy dummy before distribution. I just hope Icaught all the typos and all the stuff that get overlooked when you read a copy 100 times!! I seriously will have a massive fit of epic proportions if there's something wrong. I'm working away keeping busy with finishing the December issue and getting January done before heading home. YUP!!! Going home mid-December for a MUCH needed break from this desert sheikhdom

Keeping with the positive note ... there have been things that have made me smile out here. The salon I go to used towels on the beds we lay down on. I told the people running it that it's not hygienic at all and explained how we do it back home. The last time I went, they had stopped using towels and were using the method I explained! The therapist said I had helped them save lots of money in purchasing new towels and also spared them hours of laundry. 

Also - I finally got a car.  Can't explain how incredible it is to be free to come and go as I please. To not rush through the grocery store and mall because the cab is waiting outside. To not be dependent on colleagues aaaallll the time. The driving is INSANE, I've gotten lost pretty much every time I've driven so far and the roundabouts are something else ... but those are stories for a rainy day.

As much as everything else in this city gets to me, the sunsets are truly incredible. Colors i've never seen blended together in the sky and not just on certain nights - EVERY night. The sun is even red sometimes. BRIGHT red, with yellows pinks and purples. Today it was orange and purple against the sky's blue backdrop. There are truly no words.

On the wedding front - I found shoes i love, love, looooooooooveeee and we've booked our honeymoon!!! I think I'm more excited about it than I am about our wedding. I CANT WAIT!!! I don't think it could get any better. On that note, I'm going try to keep the positive vibes going for the next few weeks until  get home pour faire le plein!!!

*A couple of months later, I was once again invited attend another Doha Debate. This one was on the topic of the Iran and nuclearization. A few images from the event below:

Doha diaries 12.jpg