The Last Lecture

The Last Lecture

The Last Lecture - By Professor Randy Pausch

"We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand."

If I were a high school teacher, I would make this mandatory reading.

This book was written by Randy Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon professor diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It is based on his lecture he gave his students in which he discussed what we wanted his children to know about him - the lecture was recorded and eventually went viral.

Though The Last Lecture includes lessons, life skills, and meaningful insight on life, it also touches on the personal – what he wants his children to know about him when they are old enough to understand, long after his passing. Each lesson is a chapter and on average one or two pages long.

For those who have read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho more than once, you’ll know what I mean when I say that this book has lessons we can learn multiple times, and reminders we can use at different points in our lives. Here are just a few gems from The Last Lecture:


“The brick walls are there for a reason. They’re not there to keep us out. The brick walls are there to give us a chance to show how badly we want something.” (p.52)


“It’s a thrill to fulfill your own childhood drea, but as you get older, you may find that enabling the deams of others is more fun.”  (p.117)


“Experience is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted.” (p. 148)


“A lot of people want a shortcut. I find the best shortcut is the long way, which is basically two words: work hard.” (p.156) 

If there ever was a book that reminded us all of everything we can accomplish, it is this one. Whether setting goals, following a dream, following through on a business plan, persisting through times of crisis or battling disease, this book offers brilliant reminders of all the possibilities.

If you want to hear him speak, these are two Randy Pausch lectures I really enjoyed:

"Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams" -

Lecture on time management:

Please note that watching these videos is not a substitute for experiencing this book yourself. Please take the time to read his words. At 206 pages, you are worth the time.

This is definitely a book filled with quotable excerpts, one you will keep with marked pages. Would love to know the book(s) you already have on your shelf that keeps you going back for insight, and the quotes it contain that keep you inspired. Looking forward to connecting in the comments!

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