Doha Diaries 11: The Eye Exam


September 27, 2007

Doha Quirks

I can't seem to wrap my mind around some things.

When I went for my driver's license transfer, I had to take an eye exam. Forget about the sweat stench in the waiting area, or the doorless men's bathroom that hasn’t evere been cleaned since the building was built, the guy wouldn't let me put my glasses on to read the projection. I read all the numbers and at the end realized that the projection had all been lines of letters. The guy said "don't worry, I write you no need glasses". Made me feel really safe about all the other drivers who get a pass like I did.

Got invited to a birthday party for a colleague. I was the only non-Lebanese person there. Those who know me, know my aversion to kareoke. I was subjected to three hours of it. Only it was all old arabic songs. I have seldom felt so out of place. Where are the REAL expats in this country? Those here on a professional stop, on their way to better CVs and interesting career paths who aren't desperate for money?

Having said that ... I made a friend, I think!!?? She came in for an interview. We found her, but the job wasn't worth for her to make the move and we ended up finding someone else for the position. During the interview she admitted she was having issues meeting people like herself and I totally identified. I called her after we finalized our hire, so there was no conflict of interest as far as work was concerned. We should be getting together this weekend. I'm starting to get hopeful.